What Are Microservices and 4 Reasons Why You Should Begin Using Them in Your Applications

Tomasz Dobrowolski
3 min readMar 20, 2022
Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

Microservices are causing a stir.

It’s the new buzzword that everyone in tech talks about for architecting your application.

But what exactly are microservices and why is everyone talking about them?

Microservices are independent deployable services that work together to form an application

To a user, a program run by microservices looks no different from a program that is stored as a monolith.

And a monolith is one giant codebase that stores all the code for the application in one area.

Think of your application as a warehouse for an online store.

A monolith is like storing all of your stock in one large warehouse. It’s great when you first start. You have all your customers buying from you locally in New York, so having a warehouse in New York is convenient.

But suddenly your online store takes off, and you get a lot more orders. You need to store more inventory, which gets difficult to manage and organize.

And now you receive orders from Los Angeles, meaning it takes days to deliver a package from New York to Los Angeles.



Tomasz Dobrowolski

I break down Software Engineering and Tech concepts | Backend Engineer 🐘